"Camber" is directly inspired by the issue of having a small desk as a student. My current lamp at home has a circular base and when I draw or do work, it always seems to disrupt the corner of my page. With camber, the right angle base allows for light to seamlessly flow overtop the users page, laptop, or book with no disturbances. Designed for practicality, and stability, camber will beautifully light up and expand your working space.
Apart from the design, the idea of making sustainable sexy was the main goal of this lamp. The idea of sustainable lamps or products in general tend to give an impression of an un-aesthetically pleasing appearance. Compared to regular mass produced products that buyers can get their hands on, sustainability really is not thought of as being ideal when it comes to purchasing a nice product. I simply wanted to bridge the gap between the two, and make Camber look as if it was mass produced.
My lamp is crafted with as much care as possible out of all scrap materials. The walnut for the majority of the lamp was found as an off cut at “KJP” hardwoods in Ottawa. The rest of the walnut as well as the steel was found as offcuts at the Concordia work shop, and it is all built for disassembly!
Due to this, “camber” successfully represents itself as a sexy sustainable lamp. It was built with no waste leftover and everything is built for disassembly. Along with the 3d printed piece from PLA resin, the entire lamp has made no harm to the environment.

The main exploration was experimenting with a simple hinge and magnet slider to either raise or lower the angle of the light source.
Along with hand done joinery, and sandblasted custom steel supports/metal inlays, it completes itself as a sleek design with a slight industrial touch.
The final touch that brings it all together is the tap switch done with a piezo disc, 5v trinket, and 3 3-watt LED’s wired with exposed chord.