This project is one of my favorites from my second year at Concordia university. As the course that this was designed for was a mix of design students and sculpture students, the assignment requirements were fairly open. We had to make a tall, free standing sculpture/object that is interesting at all angles; we had the option to make a sculpture or something with an actual practical use. As a design student, I am always interested in producing objects for appearance as well as function, so, I took advantage of these requirements. Based on this, I decided to make a unique, modern looking coat rack that is useable and appealing at every angle. I really wanted to play around with the fact that it was a half sculpture course, so I really tried to mix the two disciplines together.
The final design stands alone sort of mysteriously, as some may not see it as being a coat rack immediately. However, once a coat is placed on one of hooks, the intended function really becomes apparent.
Shown below is the rendering that was made in rhino, as well as a pictures of the final, fabricated piece. I used 3/4 inch maple plywood, and 1/8 inch aluminum sheet metal.