This is a woodcut print from a class I took at Concordia University. The only requirements for the assignment were to produce a diptych and include words in any way possible. I decided to focus on pop culture and compare our current society to an idol and perhaps influencer from before my time (Marilyn Monroe). The idea here was to communicate the change in pop culture time periods by specifically focussing on the popularity of tattoos. By taking examples of tattoos from various artists of our decade such as Lil Peep, Gucci Mane, and Post Malone, and transferring them onto such a legendary figure like Marilyn, I hoped to display contrast and how times have certainly changed. From a time where tattoos were socially shunned, we now live in an era where they are culturally influenced.
What I found great about woodcut in general is that it gave me the ability to incorporate both my woodworking capabilities along with my graphic design skills. For this project, the design was initially made on illustrator and photoshop and then transferred to the sheet of plywood. I then had to focus on carefully carving my way through the design without making any major mistakes which takes hours and hours of hard work and concentration. Below is a picture of what the block looked like after a few of the prints, as well as some closeups.