Design Brief: Design a campaign to modify a behavior or raise awareness about a local or global, social, environmental, political or health related issue.
After brainstorming several social issues, I made my decision to work with orca captivity due to my personal take on the subject, as well as the amount of graphic potential I believed it to have. Both the imagery and topic as a whole really spiked my interest; I immediately had a vision for a minimalistic and clean approach.
The final deliverables included a poster, sticker, and an app icon, scroll down to get a glimpse of the entire process!

This phase of the project was based on brainstorming keywords as well as ideas for a six-word slogan. I finalized my slogan as "Orca freedom awaits. Unlock the gates."
The next stage was to begin sketching. My ideas were sort of all over the place as I wanted to explore every possibility. Your first idea is never your best; I kept striving for better and better sketches every time!

Once I was satisfied and had enough to work with, I moved to the computer to explore further. Starting with two separate ideas, I slowly narrowed down to one, and went on from there. Here are all the variations from beginning to end.

For the final logo shown above, I changed the color to a 90% black and added my own hand drawn typeface. I really wanted my logo to be simple and pleasing to the eye; the soft pastel colors along with the typeface really helped make this initial vision become a reality.
For the poster I didn't want anything in the background to clash with my logo so I stuck with very soft colors and a simple design. I wanted some sort of ocean design that was discrete enough to be ignored but also recognizable. Here are the three initial colors that I worked with.

Below are the final three designs (poster, sticker, and app):