Design Brief: Create a set of six icons as a narrative to provide instructions to teach someone something specific. 

Considering the design brief above, I wanted to pick a topic that I knew fairly well and was also playful or funny in some way. In other words, I really wanted to have fun with it. 

As this project was assigned while I was on exchange at San Diego State University, I thought it'd be a great idea to incorporate a little bit of my Canadian spirit; I decided to do a six step icon series on how to be Canadian. It was a perfect chance for me to play around with all the typical stereotypes.

As far as illustrations go, a major aspect of the project was to challenge myself and try something new that I've never done before. Having said that, I decided to play around with one-line drawings, and instead of starting on paper I really wanted to enhance my Illustrator skills by going straight to the computer.

Scroll down to see my process from beginning to end, including all the sketches and variations.  
Once I narrowed my illustrations down and modified them, the next step was to add some color. Here are the final illustrations:
Final PDF pamphlet layout:
Final pictures:
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